Norman Thomas

This year, we will vote in the most important election of our lifetime.  We will vote to end the free country given to us by our forefathers or continue the programmed destruction of our values that the Democrat Party started decades ago.  We have stood idly by as the left-leaning Democrats insiduously took over our educational system.  We went along as they added millions of people to the welfare rolls, who naturally voted for Democrats in order to continue the handouts.  We have tolerated their voter fraud through such organizations as ACORN.

Hillary Clinton has stated that she wants to continue the agenda of Obama.  She has also said she wants open borders and open trade, both of which will result in the continued terrorist infiltration and further destruction of our economy.  She also will continue the Obama policy of reduction of our armed forces.  It is very evident that National Security is not one of her concerns.  You have only to look at the ongoing email scandal and associated coverup, engineered by Obama and his corrupt Department of Justice and FBI.

We are of the age that we have witnessed Hillary Clinton’s slippery escapes from one scandal after another.  Many of her partners went to jail, but she was able to dodge justice.  It is well known that Democrats condone criminal activity by fellow Democrats.  The evidence abounds, particulary in the history of the Clintons. from “Whitewater” to date.

Please remember that the next President will likely appoint 2-3 Supreme Court justices.  Donald Trump will appoint justices who support the Constitution.  Unquestionably, Hillary Clinton will appoint those who will attempt to destroy it.  We desperately need to return to the rule of law and the traditional values given to us by our forefathers.  As benjamin Franklin said, ” A republic if you can keep it.”

Obama has given us a national debt approaching $20 trillion.  Hillary Clinton wants higher taxes (including a 65% “death tax”), increased spending and a larger Federal Government.  My  hopes to leave a better country to my children and grandchildren have been oblitered by the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton been oblitered by the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton wants to continue his agenda.

In summary, it is imperative that we seniors who have not been “dumbed down” by a Democrat educational system, act to take our country back from the brink and return it to those earlier days of law and order, religious freedom and Constitutional government.  If you do not vote, it is the same as a vote for Socialism and Hillary Clinton.  Please help save our country.

We the People


Qnce again, I detect a slight awakening of the American spirit, as citizens begin to protest the leftist takeover of our country.  It is apparent, however, that far too many are still listening to the “siren song” of Obama.  This is amazing after all the lies and misleading statements that have been exposed.  However, I also note that     approximately 40% of the electorate are still duped by the SOROS-CLINTON duplicity.  The Democrat Party has continued its leftward march begun decades ago.  Remember the Muslim belief in taquiyya and the Democrat Party propencity for using the BIG LIE. What has happened to the American people’s belief in the rule of law, individual responsibility and the support of the Constitution?  One answer, for discussion on another day, is our liberal(leftist) controlled educational system.

It is a well-known fact that Hillary Clinton is an inveterate liar as evidenced by her being caught in a number of scandals.  Like most Democrats, she has escaped prosecution.  It has been patently obvious, since Whitewater, that the Democrats condone illegal activity by Democrats.  Bill Clinton lied to a Grand Jury and got away with it.  If you want to understand what the Clintons are about, read Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer.

This post will include sources to consult in order to further update your knowledge of the world and local threats to your liberty and freedom.  We should all be aware that the next President will likely appoint 3-4 Supreme Court justices,  Formerly posted references are included.  If your browser doesn’t accept the URL provided, copy it and paste it into your address block.


The Worst President in History by Matt Margolis and Mark Noonan

Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer

The Islamic Anti-Christ by Joel Richardson

Radical-in-Chief by Stanley Kurtz(An excellent, well-documented history of Obama’s socialist training as a Chicago community organizer)

Because They Hate by Brigitte Gabriel (She has “been there, done that.”)

They Must Be Stopped by the above author

Outrage, Catastrophe and Take Back America-A Battle Plan by Dick Morris

Liberty and Tyranny by Mark Levin

Culture of Corruption by Michelle Malkin

The Politically Incorrect Guide to ISLAM and the CRUSADES by Robert Spencer

Saddams Secrets by Georges Sada (You can find out where the WMD’s went)

The AL QAEDA Connection by Paul L. Williams



WEBSITES: Paste or type in address block, if necessary (A look at the politics of money) (Good stats and information)



Go to: for Brigitte Gabriel’s weekly TV program

Communist Blueprint for Conquest-Google for the whole title

Homegrown Jihad-Order from

Many good videos are available on  Just search for “jihad” or “muslim


Norman Thomas


Democrats are in their usual mode. Once again, it;s, “Don;t do as I do, do as I say do.” The Obama Administration ran up the National Debt over $8 TRILLION. Now the Democrats are chipping about a $1.5 TRILLION tax cut that will increase employment, jump-start the economy and increase revenue, among other benefits. They, of course, would prefer higher taxes, larger government and more control of our lives.
Over many decades, the liberal control of our educational system has dumbed down a large segment of our electorate. This, coupled with their governmental “give away” programs, has given them a large base of “useful idiots.” They have stifled individual responsibility and initiative that built on the creation of our Founding Fathers. For decades, the Democrat Party has labored to instill Socialism in all of it;s failed ideology. You need only to look at countries like Venezuela and Sweden to see the fo;;y of this stupidity. Their objective, to reduce America to the level of a third-world country was not obtained.
On November 8, 2016, our country experienced a new birth of liberty and freedom. We elected a President who is genuinely interested in a recovery from the damage done by the Obama Administration. The Democrats were so surprised that their lies, innuendo, fraudulent voting and fake news did bot work that their only recourse was violent protests and “resist Trump” campaigns. They have proven, once again, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” They entered the campaign with a corrupt candidate who has dodged justice for about 30 years. As usual, they tried to blame other factors or people for their own actions.
Wake up America! Don;t be among the “useful idiots.” Know and understand what our Founding Fathers meant when they said, “We give you a Republic, if you can keep it.”


Far too many of our citizens have been educated to be stupid. The cause lies in liberal(leftist, socialist, anarchist) control of our educational system. They have not only suppressed religion but also rewritten our history and dumbed down the general knowledge of geography, national affairs and governmental structure and operation.o. As a consequence, a large segment of the electorate believe the lies, fake news, innuendo and violent protests of the Democrat Party and their fellow travelers.
Our educational system  is in dire need of revision and action is required at the school board level, as soon as possible. Charter schools are another answer when bolstered by freedom of choice. These actions must be supported by TERM LIMITS for our so-called representatives at local, state and federal governments.
On the federal level, I suggest 2 six-year terms for Senators and 4 two-year terms for representatives. On the state and local front.

I suggest a limit of two terms. The initial effort should be to vote out as many of the present members until all are gone. If none of this occurs, our country is doomed to become a third-rate, socialist, big-government wreck. It’s your choice America.

The Obama Administration attempts to socialize and destroy our country and destroy our liberty and freedom have been held at bay, temporarily.  All that is necessary for the forces of evil to triumph in this world is for enough good men to do nothing.


Norman Thomas

As I write this on Veteran;s Day 2017, as a veteran of twenty-four years service, I feel it encumbent upon me to give my own statement on the State of Our Nation. The nation I served ic in great danger from within.

In World War II, we fought for the freedom of Europe and beyond. In Korea, we fought for the freedom of South Korea. In Vietnam, we fought for the freedom of South Vietnam. In the Gulf Wars, we fought for the freedom of the Gulf States abd the people of Iraq. In Afghanistan, we fought in retaliation for 9/11.

Now, those of us who believe in Liberty and freedom, are engaged in a political civil war jn our own country. We have a President who is pledged to repair the damage done by eight years of leftist control of the Federal Government. The Democrat Party, Socialists and other Leftists are doing everything they can to destroy the Trump agenda.

The blame for this sad state of affairs, I believe, is rooted in our educational ystem and many years of Democrat control of the Federal Government. The latter,, with their failed socialistic “give away” programs, destroyed the American way of self-responsibility. Instead, in the interest of obtaining more votes to keep them in power, they piled up a dependency on the Federal Government. They continue this pattern today, augmented by lies, false charges, innuendo and fake news from their lapdog media.

Unfortunately, far too many of our citizens have been “dumbed down”, by our Liberal-controlled educational system, to realize the true nature of the Democrat(Leftist) agenda. The Left, apparently, believes that if they lie big enough and often enough they can win. Most of our present educational system contributes to this falacy. They are intent on forcing Socialism down the throats of all Americans.

The entire minions of the Left were greatly surprised when their standard bearer, Hillary Clinton, was defeated in the 3026 election. They have been “circling the wagons” ever since then and trying lies of all kinds to excuse their defeat. The truth is that enough of WE THE PEOPLE said “enough.” Hillary Clinton and her husband have been exposed for criminl activities for about thirty years witout conviction. The Left has also adopted the sexual harassment innuendo. due to its popularity in the Hollywood revelations. They regularly come up with a false charge about one month prior to an election.

The Obama era left a legacy of problems in healthcare, the economy, unemployment, immigration and border security, to name a few. The Trump agend, much to the chagrin of the Democrats and other Leftists, is makig great headway in righting the Obama wrongs.

Please, those of you who have fallen for the lies, search out the truth and join in the resurection of our once great nation. Help make America great again.




The Democrat Party is in full panic mode as they have. AGAIN, been caught in illegal activities.  It appears that Hillary, and possibly “Slick Willie”,  Clinton are, after about 30 years, going to pay for their transgressions.  The evidence reported so far indicates they are guilty of that double standard, “Don;t do as I do, do as I say do.”  More and more evidence is reported almost daily.

The Obama Administration, as well, is being implicated in security violations, election law breech and illegal collusion with a foreign government.  There is more to come, I;m sure.  It was the height of stupidity to give a Russian-controlled company 20% of our Uranium, as well as a violation of National Security.  Don;t forget that Russia works hand in glove with Iran on their nuclear system.    Additional areas of involvement include money laundering, bribery and sale of favors to a foreign government.

Hopefully, these investigations will result in appropriate criminal charges for those found responsible.  Many Congressional investigations,  in the past, have ended with no one held to be  accountable.  It;s time for the swamp to be drained.



WE THE PEOPLE protest the inaction of Congress. WE elected a President to take back our country and Congress gives no cooperation. WE have no repeal and replace of Obamacare. WE have no tax reform. Our HISTORY, which belongs to the People, is being destroyed as statues are being destroyed or removed. All is to satisfy a small group of the Left. As our country falls apart, Congress stands idly by or goes on vacation. Our Constitution is being attacked, as well as our righrs, by unrefuted anarchy in the streets. When will self-serving politicians begin to realize that they were hired to look after our interests – not theirs?
I will devote part of my blog, for the next four years, to pushing for term limits at the ballot box. This appears tp be our only recourse, since neither party fulfills their obligation to WE THE PEOPLE.



Are Liberty , Freedom, small government and personal responsibility coming to an end in America?  This seems to be the choice of Democrats (Socialists), our entire libetal-controlled education system, the RINO’s and the Republican Establishment and those who just hate our country.

 WE THE PEOPLE are under attack as never before in our nation’s history.  The same entities are even trying to erase history by destroying statues of historical figures and re-writing history books.  This is a tactic used by ISIS and the Taliban.   It is a battle for control of your minds as well as your very existence.  If they can control the healthcare system as they now do the education system, your liberty and freedom are gone FOREVER.  You will become a citizen of a third-rate country, dependent on government decisions and handouts.  If this is your choice, go try Venezuela or some other failed Socialist experiment.

Liberal-controlled education, from kindergarten through college, has resulted in the dumbing down of a large segment of the country.  They have been insidiously st work for decades, in a coordinated attempt to destroy the Republic handed to us by the Founding Fathers.  The useful idiots and handout seekers supported a rogue Obama Administration, resulting in the following”

  • A huge increase in the National Debt

  • Mistrust among our allies

  • A VFRY EXPENSIVE healthcare system

  • An over-regulated economy

  • Massive unemployment

  • A very large increase in Food Stamp recipients

  • Greatly increased Unemployment Compensation

  • International and domestic growth of Radical Islam

  • Additional infiltration of illegal immigrants and criminals

  • The greatest class division in our history

  • More domestic violence than seen in at least 50 years

  • More proven government incompetence and corruption

  • Deterioration of our military forces

Is this your choice America?   In the words of a founding father, “Give me Liberty.”





Dear Mr. President,
Firstly, I wouid like to congratulate you on your and WE THE PEOPLE’s victory over the most corrupt politician to be nominated by the Dems in decades. It is unfortunate that you have, by necessity. been evposed to the usual Dem tactics of lies, innuendo, false charges and the like. They are very “nasty” politicians and you will have to “fight fire with fire” in order to accomplish your agenda. One of their common tactics, as you may have noticed, is to make false charges and demand investigations. This serves the dual purpose of “witch hunting” and it keeps the Repubs on defense. This limits them from spending much time on offense and agenda legislation. This is all a part of their obstructionist profile.
You have inherited a full plate of international and domestic problems from Obama. It happens to most Repubs who follow Dems in office. Once you can get rid of the Obama hold-over leakers, the political status should improve. Rest assured, there are many of WE THE PEOPLE who support you wholeheartedly and wish you every sucess in completing your agenda.

We the People


Norman Thomas

The Democrat (Socialist) Party has been insidiously embedding itself throughout the fabric of our citizenry for decades. By hook and crook, they have taken over our educational system and “brainwashed” younger generations for many years.  In more recent times. they have corrupted many of our colleges and universities

They have disenfranchised opposition voters by organizing fraudulent voting for their benefit.  It has been reported that about 3 million votes were cast in the 2016 election.  Having worked at the polls for 12 years, I am well aware of the number of dead and moved people who still appear on unpurged voter registration lists.

The Democrats have managed to utilize taxpayer money to buy votes with welfare and other “freebies” to a large segment of the population.  They were quick to note the shift, a result of our “dumb down”educational system,  in the voter thinking from individual responsibility to government dependency.

They are always looking for something or someone to blame for their own actions.  Following their loss in the 2016 election, they played the “blame game” again when they couldn’t believe they had been rejected.  They never considered that their nominating a serial liar and 30 odd year criminal conviction escapee had anything to do with the outcome.  Like many politicians, including her husband, she has evaded justice numerous times.

Our country is in dire need of a complete overhaul of our educational system and a restoration, in the people, of the qualities that built this nation into the greatest on earth.  We the Peopleliberty-bell-free-clipart-3


We are witnessing a major attack on America and the Western World by the Democrats(Socialists, Progressives or whatever you want to label them).  It has become patently obvious that the entire bunch, including their useful idiots, DO NOT care one iota about the safety of the American people.  They did the work of George Soros, Valerie Jarrett, John Podesta and other America haters at election time, but they didn’t round-up enough illegal voter to elect their corrupt liar nominee.

They are now boycotting Cabinet hearings because President Trump took action to stop the influx of terrorists.  As usual, the liberals are more interested in promoting their third-world ideology than the safety of our country.  They are grasping at straws in order to be as obnoxious and obstructive as possible.  Liberals can not tolerate anyone who disagrees with their mindless agenda and are always quick to blame something or someone for their own actions.  It suffices to say that it will take decades to restore our country to its former status after eight years of liberal disaster.  It is disheartening that so many care so little for liberty and freedom.

Wake up America.  Visualize a world without Muslims and liberals.  These are the two greatest sources of trouble  that  lead to the interruption of peace and freedom on Earth.